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Finding Health Statistics: Clinical Analytics (NT Health)

Finding Health Statistics Help Guide

Clinical Analytics (NT Health)

The Clinical Analytics team has staff located at RDH and in Alice Springs, ready to assist with and provide:

  • Aggregated and record-level patient data from the clinical systems including Acacia, CareSys, CCIS and PCIS.
  • Requests for data for internal use – clinical audits and reviews, performance measures, Safety & Quality indicators, etc.
  • Requests for data for research/external publication (ethics application required – research governance office can assist)
  • Requests for data for documents such as estimates, ministerial papers, budget papers, annual reports and media releases

Contact: or

Source Description Other

My Reports

Contains high-level aggregated data, sorted by subject. Examples include: how many people were admitted to RDH ED by month for the last 5 years, or the percentage of same day vs overnight admitted separations.

My Reports is available via the Intranet and you can request access through DCDD’s JIRA platform

Mortuary - Length of Stay - Power BI Report Server

Provides comprehensive analysis of the length of stay of bodies in the morgue, release dates, and key mortuary patient details. It is designed to support clinicians, directors, and executives in making informed, data-driven decisions. Mortuary LOS Dashboard
DOH Report Index - Power BI Report Server Provides list of performance reports A-Z.