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Images & Videos: Home

Help guide to finding and using images, videos and other multimedia

About this Guide

This Help Guide has been developed to assist NT Health staff in finding free, online images and videos that can be used in educational materials or for internal purposes. It also provides guidance on how an online image or video can be used without breaching copyright.

To get started, click on the tabs above, or make a selection from the table of contents to the left.

If you need any help with using this guide, or just want to ask a question, please contact the Health Library on (08) 8922 8961.



The contents of this help guide are intended for NT Health staff for information purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of publication, it is the users sole responsibility to decide on the appropriateness, accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of the content found. Library Services recommends that prior to making any decision based on any information in this resource, you should check the terms of use or copyright notice for that particular website.