In this Guide
Related Help Guides
This guide has been developed to support NT Health staff who are writing or reviewing guidelines and policies. We have brought NT Health Intranet pages and Library resources together to make it easier for you to find the right information quickly.
Key NT Health information | Go-to tools |
Clinical Policy Governance Team (intranet access only)
Policy Management (intranet access only)
Policy Guideline Centre (PGC) (intranet access only)
Find Guidelines : Search the NT Health Library Guidelines page for links to Australian and International Guideline sources.
Find Standards: Access Australian Standards via the library. Visit the Tech Street Help page to set up a Techstreet account.
Find Evidence: Search the Library databases to find the best available evidence for your policy or guideline.
Search Journals: Locate a journal and get full-text access to support guideline and policy writing.
Search Books: Locate a book to support guideline and policy writing. |
NSQHS PubMed live searches
These searches have been developed, tested and endorsed as part of the HeLiNS (Health Libraries for the National Standards) Research Project, a joint initiative of HLA and HLI (Health Libraries Inc). They are not intended to be comprehensive, but aim to provide high specificity (relevance) so that results returned will be of immediate use. The base search for each topic focuses on a hospital setting and is limited to the last 5 years.
Request an expert Literature Search or Book a consultation to get evidence for your guideline or policy.
Finding the Evidence for Guidelines and Policies
A workshop designed to assist staff to find the best available evidence from the most appropriate health databases.
Session times
Delivered via Teams Session :
Key titles
Read eBooks from any device using your NTG LAN login. Print books can be sent to you via internal mail or you can pick them up from your nearest library.