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Quality and Safety Books
» Search our e-Book collection by title or subject: AccessMedicine, ClinicalKey, ClinicalKey Nursing, Oxford Medicine Online.
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Quality and Safety Journals
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Resource Spotlight
Techstreet provides access to Australian and New Zealand Standards. (International standards can be searched but are not included in this subscription.) For additional information required to set up a Techstreet account View the library Techstreet Help page
The JBI Evidence Based Practice Database provides access to systematic reviews, recommended practices and evidence summaries. It is a valuable resource for finding reliable evidence appropriate for use in clinical guidelines and procedures.
ClinicalKey Nursing provides access to current evidence-based information in the form of nursing texts, journals, practice guidelines, clinical overviews, drug information, patient handouts and more.
Lippincott Procedures provides access for up to 450 evidence based procedures and skills and is a comprehensive reference source for nursing staff, providing instructions for equipment, preparation and implementation.
Lippincott Procedures is endorsed by the Australian College of Nursing and the content of each procedure aligns to the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.
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Choosing Wisely Australia is part of a global healthcare initiative to improve the safety and quality of healthcare.
It is encouraging clinicians and consumers to have better conversations about what care is truly needed – identifying which practices are helpful and which are not.
Links to the NSQHS Standards
Click here to view the full PDF copy of the NSQHS Standards 2nd edition