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LIBRARY WEBSITE: Accreditation













This guide demonstrates how NT Health Library Services provides support to Hospital, Specialist and Medical Officer Accreditation requirements and processes.

Hospital Accreditation 4

Specialist Accreditation 4

Medical Officer Accreditation4

Library Services to support specialist training4

Hospital Accreditation

National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards

With the release of the second edition of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards in late 2017, all NT Hospitals will be assessed during hospital accreditation according to these updated standards. Mandatory short notice assessments to the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards will commence from July 2023 - see Short notice accreditation assessment  Facts sheet 17

The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards have been developed to protect the public from harm and improve the quality of health service provision. The NSQHS Standards provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect from health services.

More detail about the standards NT Health need to comply with can be found at the NT Health Accreditation Intranet page

NSQHS Standards

The library contributes to NSQHS Standards Criteria

This table demonstrates the NSQHS standards criteria that relate directly to the library and how we meet these actions:

Standard Criteria Library Provides:

Action 1.07 - Policies and Procedures

The health service organisation uses a risk management approach to:

  1. Set out, review, and maintain the currency and effectiveness of policies, procedures and protocols
  2. Monitor and take action to improve adherence to policies, procedures and protocols
  3. Review compliance with legislation, regulation and jurisdictional requirements

Training sessions designed to assist staff in finding evidence for policies and guideline development.

  • Finding the evidence for guidelines and policies
  • Searching PubMed
  • Advanced literature searching

Electronic access to 

Action 1.21  -  Safety and Quality Training

The health service organisation has strategies to improve the cultural awareness and cultural competency of the workforce to meet the needs of its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients

Online Support

Action 1.27 - Evidence-based care

The health service organisation has processes that:

1. Provide clinicians with ready access to best-practice guidelines, integrated care pathways, clinical pathways and decision support tools relevant to their clinical practice

2. Support clinicians to use the best available evidence, including relevant clinical care standards developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

Training sessions designed to assist staff in finding evidence based information

  • Finding the evidence for guidelines and policies
  • Searching PubMed
  • Finding health statistics 
  • Advanced literature searching
  • Using mobile apps

Online support

Electronic access to

Expert literature searches for evidence

Action 4.13 - Information and decision support tools for medicines

1. Information and decision support tools for medicines.

A minimum standard set of medicine-related reference materials could include current versions of:

  • Australian Medicines Handbook (AMH)External link and AMH Children’s Dosing Companion
  • Therapeutic Guidelines
  • The Australian Immunisation Handbook
  • Australian product information and CMI, such as MIMS and AusDI
  • Medicine interactions references, such as Micromedex or Stockley’s Drug Interactions
  • References on complementary and alternative medicines, such as MedlinePlus Drugs, herbs and supplements
  • Australian Injectable Drugs Handbook or local injectable medicines administration guidelines
  • Don’t Rush to Crush handbook or local guidelines.

Library provides all these resources:

and additionally

NSQHS PubMed Live Searches

The following searches have been developed, tested and endorsed as part of the HeLiNS : health libraries for the National Standards - outcomes of a national research project, a joint initiative of HLA and HLI (Health Libraries Inc).

Advanced Care Planning
Blood Management
Clinical Handover Delirium
Deteriorating Patient Falls Prevention
Infection Prevention Medication Safety
Partnering with Consumers Pressure Injuries
Wound Management  

They are not intended to be comprehensive, but aim to provide high relevance. The base search for each topic focuses on a hospital setting and is limited to the last 5 years.

Specialist Accreditation

Library Services recognises the importance of supporting vocational training at NT Health. We undertake to provide support as outlined within the approved accreditation standards of specialist medical colleges assessed by the Australian Medical Council, and to provide resources and services that fulfil NT Health obligations also set out in these accreditation agreements.


Library Services to Support Specialist Training


We conduct comprehensive literature searches to support patient care, research projects, program or service development and more.  Place a request online via the Literature Search request form and we will conduct a search on your behalf and send the best articles directly to your inbox.


We provide advice and support in gathering background information for project work or we can provide advice and assistance in undertaking systematic literature searches, tools for critical appraisal and managing references.  Assistance can be requested through our Book a Librarian form.

Library has a selection of training rooms and quiet spaces to sit exams. We can provide invigilation services (for NT Health staff only) including:

  • Liaising with the College’s admin prior to exam
  • Accepting  the exam (either mail or electronically)
  • Booking a room in the library
  • Liaising with the examinee regarding date/time
  • Pre exam test of  equipment for virtual exams
  • Supervise the exam and note start and finish times
  • Scan and/or sending exam back to college
  • Quiet study spaces with videoconferencing, internet and Wi-Fi

An important condition of many colleges is that trainees have access to quiet areas to complete their work or research. Library provides access to an quiet spaces and training rooms that are well equipped with computers, videoconferencing and internet.

Regular scheduled training sessions are run throughout the year, or library staff are available to deliver face-to-face group sessions or one-to-one assistance in using our resources.

The library has resource sharing networks across Australia and will source and supply articles on your behalf (subject to availability and cost) with our resource delivery service.

The Health Libraries have a number of rooms that can be booked by clinicians for training, meetings and presentations. Visit our Training Rooms page for a full description of facilities and equipment

Requirements Set by Specialty Colleges

The Australian Medical Council (AMC) is responsible for accrediting education providers and their programs of study for the medical profession. 


Accreditation Requirements NT Health Library Resources



ANZCA handbook for accreditation


The Australasian College of Dermatologists

Accreditation standards for training positions

Emergency Medicine


FACEM Training Program Accreditation requirements

Intensive Care

College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand

IC-3 Minimum Standards for Intensive Care Units Seeking Accreditation

IC-33 Minimum Criteria for hospitals seeking accreditation for foundation training for intensive care

Obstetrics & Gynaecology


Accreditation Standards and Guidelines for Hospitals in the FRANZCOG Training Program



Standards for Ophthalmology Training Posts


Australian Orthopaedics Association

Accreditation standards for hospitals and training positions


Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

Accreditation of sites for training programs


Royal Australian College of Physicians (includes 33 training specialties)

Training provider standards


Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Accreditation of training posts

Rural & Remote Medicine


Supervisors and training post standards


Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

Accreditation standards for linked sites (Clinical Radiology Training)

Radiation Oncology

Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

Radiation Oncology Accreditation Standards for training network sites



HTP Accreditation Standards and RACS HTP Accreditation Standards for review

Medical Officer Accreditation

Library Services recognises the importance of supporting prevocational training at NT Health. We undertake to provide support as outlined within the approved standards and requirements relating to prevocational PGY1 and PGY2 within the National Framework.


Requirements set by AMC for Interns and PGY2 Prevocational Doctors

 Visit the AMC website to view New National Framework for Prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) Medical Training (2024+) which includes:

  • Training and assessment – Training and assessment requirements for prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) training programs
  • Training environment – National standards and requirements for prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) training programs and terms
  • Quality assurance – AMC domains and procedures for assessing and accrediting prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) training accreditation authorities
  • Resources to support implementation


Supports Ophthalmologists undertaking specialist training.

Scan QR code to access or find it on the Library catalogue

Useful Links