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LIBRARY WEBSITE: Training Services













Featured Tutorials

           Library Services          Finding eJournals & Articles        Using Resource Delivery       Searching Google Scholar             


See our Tutorials page for more training videos.


Training Services

Come along to one of our scheduled face-to-face library training workshops, held in our Darwin Library.  Training workshops can be tailored to suit specific needs and be booked for small groups and delivered in the library, at your workplace or online via your computer and phone linkup.


Training Schedule

Click on the links below for session times, location and content covered in the workshops.

Whether you’re a new staff member or just want to brush up on the basics, this workshop is designed to help you get the most out of the library’s services and resources.

In this workshop you will find out how to:

  • Navigate the library website
  • Become a library member 
  • Find a Subject Guide or Help Guide
  • Borrow or request books and journal articles
  • Search for books, ejournals, ebooks and journal articles
  • Find the right database or point-of-care tool for your needs

Session times

  • Delivered via MS Teams: Wednesday 26th June 2024,  2pm REGISTER NOW
  • Delivered via MS Teams: Wednesday 28th August 2024,  2pm REGISTER NOW

Please email us with any queries or booking requests regarding training. 

This session will benefit staff who need to undertake a structured systematic search for background articles as part of a departmental research project or for writing a literature review for postgraduate study.

The focus of this session will be on:

  • Overview of the research lifecycle
  • Using PICO as a tool to identify search terms from your research question
  • Searching Medline
  • Using the thesaurus (MeSH) and limits/filters to refine a search
  • Saving your search to rerun later
  • Adapting your search for different databases
  • References and how to manage them

Session times

  • Delivered via MS Teams: Tuesday 17th September 2024,  10-11am REGISTER NOW

Please email us with any queries or booking requests regarding training.

This workshop is designed to enhance your research skills with a strong focus on asking structured clinical questions, finding the best research databases to locate literature and appraising the evidence.

Finding the Evidence

  • Developing effective search strategies
  • Formulating answerable questions using PICO
  • Understanding levels of evidence in the research literature
  • Search and find the best evidence in different resources

Session times

  • Please call the Library on 8922 8961 to arrange a Finding the Evidence training session

Please email us with any queries or booking requests regarding training.

A workshop designed for health professionals who need help with finding information for clinical work, research or study.

Workshop content includes:

  • Search strategies using the MeSH headings and filters
  • Setting limits to refine your search and find the fulltext articles
  • Setting up your own account and email alerts

Session times

  • Delivered via MS Teams: Friday 9th August 2024,  12-1:00pm REGISTER NOW

Please email us with any queries or booking requests regarding training.

This session focuses on the EBSCO research databases - Medline and CINAHL, to find research information for assignments.

In this workshop you will learn to:

  • Search using keywords to find the best research articles
  • Use filters/limits to refine a search
  • Save, print and export your references to a citation management tool
  • Set up your own account and create email alerts to keep up to date

Session times

  • Delivered via MS Teams: Tuesday 23rd July 2024,  10-11am REGISTER NOW

Please email us with any queries or booking requests regarding training.

This session is aimed at trainers, educators and any other staff who need to find and use images and videos for work purposes.

We will show you how to:

  • Find free-to-use images & videos within electronic library resources
  • Find free-to-use images & videos on the internet
  • How to use images & videos without breaching copyright

Session times

  • Please call the Library on 89228961 to arrange a Finding Images and Videos training session

Please email us with any queries or booking requests regarding training.

An introductory workshop designed for health professionals who need help with finding health statistics for clinical work, research or study.

In this workshop you will find out how to:

  • Searching and browsing for statistics on the ABS and AIHW websites
  • Subscribing to new releases
  • Useful tools - Data by Region and TableBuilder
  • Citing ABS and AIHW resources
  • Finding local NT Health statistics

Session times

  • Delivered via MS Teams: Tuesday 15th October 2024,  10-11am REGISTER NOW

Please email us with any queries or booking requests regarding training. 

This workshop is designed to assist staff tasked with the development or review of guidelines or policies to choose the best available evidence from the most appropriate health databases.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • The basics of evidence based practice
  • Sources for finding the best evidence
  • Choose keywords using PICO to answer questions
  • When and how to use Point of Care tools, Cochrane library and the primary research databases

Session times

  • Delivered via Teams Session : Tuesday 18th June 2024,  10am-11am REGISTER NOW
  • Delivered via Teams Session : Monday 9th September 2024,  10am-11am REGISTER NOW
  • Delivered via Teams Session : Thursday 14th November 2024,  10am-11am REGISTER NOW

Please email us with any queries or booking requests regarding training.

This short 30 minute workshop will demonstrate how to effectively search the ClinicalKey for Nursing database, explore the different types of content available and to showcase the various tools available to make your nursing research easier.

This session will demonstrate:

  • Searching effectively
  • Content types
  • Nursing tools
  • Claiming Continuing Professional development credits
  • Creating visual powerpoints using ClinicalKey content

Session times

  • Delivered via MS Teams: Thursday 18th July 2024,  from 14:00-14:30
  • Delivered via MS Teams: Wednesday 30th October 2024,  from 14:00-14:30

To register your interest in this session contact us on 89517815 or email Health Library Training with any queries

This short 30 minute workshop will demonstrate the basics of using a citation management tool (Endnote / Zotero) to manage the references for your research, work project or study.

This session will demonstrate:

  • Overview of different tools that help you reference
  • About Endnote / Zotero software
  • Importing citations from a database
  • Cite While You Write
  • Creating a reference list
  • Changing citation styles

Session times

  • Delivered via MS Teams: Tuesday 20th August 2024, from 12:00-12:30pm

To register your interest in this session contact us on 8922 8961 or email Health Library Training with any queries

This short 30 minute workshop will demonstrate the eLibrary4HP site specifically for non-NTG Health Professionals working with NT Health Organisations who have an MoU agreement with NT Health Library Services. For more Information see our eLibrary4HP membership page

This session will demonstrate:

  • Joining the Library as a non NTG Health Professional
  • Overview of the electronic resources available
  • Access to mobile apps
  • Other available services provided by the library

Session times

  • Delivered via MS Teams: Thursday 8th August 2024, from 10:00-10:30

To register your interest in this session contact us on 8922 8961 or email Health Library Training with any queries

Basic Computer Skills 

Learn the basics in MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint with these free quick and easy online modules: 

   MS Word video training
An Excel document shape with fx for functions   MS Excel video training
   MS PowerPoint for Windows training


Learn how to get the most out of library resources. Request a 30-60 minute appointment with a librarian.

How to find the Library

New to the hospital campus and not sure where you need to go? Click on the map links below to find your way to the library.