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Connecting to Mobile Resources: New Starters Portal

Connecting to Mobile Resources Help Guide

New Starters Portal

Services & Resources for New Starters at NT Health

The NT Health Library Services provide a wide array of essential services and resources for staff.

As an NT Health employee you get access to:

All the resources can be accessed from work or at home (using your LAN login).

See the FAQs below to find out more or take a look at our top apps, databases, ebooks and ejournals.


Visit your nearest Health Library or submit an online application.

We conduct comprehensive literature searches to support patient care, research projects, program or service development and more. Place a request online via the Literature Search request form and we will conduct a search on your behalf and send the best articles directly to your inbox.

If you're a registered health professional employed by NT Health, you are eligible for 24/7 access to the Darwin and Alice Springs health libraries. Please contact us to find out how.

Of course! You can connect to the Library WiFi on your personal devices in Darwin, Alice Springs, Katherine and Gove.

Each of our libraries have computers available for you to use. There is no need to make a booking and each computer has access to the internet, standard Microsoft products, printing facilities and NT Health systems. Just sign on with your LAN username and password.

Absolutely. Whether you're working on an assignment or a research project, we can help you develop a search strategy, critically appraise the literature and write a literature review. Contact us or place a request online for a one-to-one, individualised session.

Yes. The libraries have a number of rooms available to book. See the Training Rooms page on the Library Website for more information about the rooms and how to make a booking.

  NTG Systems

  Your Feedback

Please tell us what you think of this portal and any additional content you would like to see.

 Mobile Apps

Connect to high-quality apps for free. See all apps.


Access all our databases from work or at home (using your ePass login). See all Databases A-Z

  Subject Guides

Subject specific portals to books, journals, reports, articles and more. See all subject guides.

  Help Guides

Find particular resources or develop your skills and knowledge on a particular topic. See all help guides.


View all our journals via BrowZine on your PC or download the free BrowZine app to your smartphone or tablet.