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Library News: March 2023

March 2023

Guideline and policy support - online help guide

Writing or reviewing guidelines and policies? Don't know where to begin and how to find the evidence? We have created an online help guide bringing NT Health Intranet pages and Library Resources together to make it easier for you to find the right information quickly. Our expert librarians can also provide guidance and streamline how you search, store and use information. If you would like additional assistance contact us today!

Learn more about how you can implement evidence into your practice, and ensure transparency in your documents with our referencing tips.


Discover health research in the NT

Research conducted in the Northern Territory explores effective and efficient approaches to promoting the health of Territorians. The library has created a page providing a list of active research organisations in the NT and their research outputs.

Explore featured publications and stay up to date with tweets from the Baker Institute and Menzies School of Health Research.


Upcoming training: advanced search strategies for literature searching

This session will assist staff undertaking a structured systematic search for background articles as part of a departmental research project or for a literature review for postgraduate study.

Delivered via MS Teams
Thursday 30th March 2023, 10am-11am


Library lovers' day 2023

On February 14, Health Library staff celebrated Library Lovers' Day with a video, a client survey, and a pop-up library at the RDH 1st floor café. Thank you to everyone who came to say hello and to those who took the time to tell us what they loved about the health library.

Congratulations to our raffle prize winner Emma Sykes (RDH pharmacist), who won our library lovers' gift pack of chocolates, library merchandise along with a new book! 


Borrow, renew and return your book loans using your mobile device

Library clients can borrow, renew or return items using their phone by simply scanning the QR codes located in each library. The library will use information from the self-checkout loan system to identify popular titles and make better purchasing decisions to benefit our library clients.

Thank you to clients in the Alice Springs, Darwin and Gove health libraries who are using self-checkout. Come on Katherine and Tennant Creek clients - have a go!



JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute)

The JBI Evidence Based Practice Database provides access to systematic reviews, recommended practices and evidence summaries. It is a valuable resource for finding reliable evidence appropriate for use in clinical guidelines and procedures.

JBI also offers tools useful for conducting clinical audits (JBI PACES) or systematic reviews (JBI SUMARI).

For database training, or to seek further assistance in navigating JBI please contact the Health Library on 8922 8961.



Check out the range of new books this month 
Browse all new print and electronic titles. Read new eBooks from any device using your NTG LAN login.
New books can be sent to you via internal mail or you can pick them up from your nearest library.


"The library services here at ASH both personally and professionally excellent. The assistance, advise, resources and facilities have been great with helping me successfully complete my Master degree as well as find resources to educate midwives and write guidelines at ASH in a aim to improve outcomes for our Central Australian women and babies."



Acute rheumatic fever: recent advances

Summarizes recent progress in diagnostics, management and prevention of ARF, with reference to the need for further research to address barriers to diagnosis and management.

Hardefeldt HA,Monteiro Fernandes A,Yan J et al. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2023 Feb 1;42(2):e42-e44



L5 mononeuritis, an uncommon cause of foot drop: illustrative case

Reviews strategies for investigation of new-onset adult foot drop and relate these to an uncommon cause, an isolated L5 mononeuritis, and detail its clinical course and response to treatment.

Peselzon O,Colditz M,Maclachlan LR et al. J Neurosurg Case Lessons. 2023 Jan 30;5(5):CASE22499




Complicated mycobacterium ulcerans infection in a child in the Northern Territory

Describes the case of an 8-year-old Aboriginal girl from Darwin presented with a 6-week history of non-healing ulceration 5cm proximal to the left lateral malleolus. 

Mahony M,Hung TY,Cox V et al. J Paediatr Child Health. 2023 Feb;59(2):392-394